
Why I Think Filipinos (in the Philippines) Should Stay Out Of Thanksgiving Day

So here in the Philippines, November 26 has passed. And yesterday I saw some posts on my Facebook page by people greeting Thanksgiving blahblahblah.

(Notice the title? I explicitly stated -in the Philippines- I respect Filipino expats who celebrate this day with their friends and families in the US. After all, when in Rome, do as the Romans do, right?)

For the rest of us here in the Philippines, we have nothing to do with Thanksgiving Day.


When Relationships Get Too Familiar

photo from stocksnap.io

When you're in a relationship with a person that's years old, familiarity creeps in silently. Inhibitions melt away and you get comfortable with him/ her. Sometimes, the tiny quirks that are now revealed are amusing, but other times your friends (or lover) tend to cross the line.


Photos You Should Never EVER Post on Facebook

Aaahhh Facebook, the place where people don't seem to know the word 'filter. It's the place where most people feel they have to report every single thing that is happening to them in real time, whether it be taking a dump, taking a meal, visiting a sick friend or a funeral.

Now that I mentioned sickness and death, there are just some things that you don't post on Facebook. I'm not sure if it's lack of discernment, respect or just sheer stupidity. For the love of the people around you as well as your online identity, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't upload the following: