
I Did Not Go On A Mad Christmas Shopping Spree, And This Is What Happened

photo from https://stocksnap.io/

So far, I haven't bought a single gift for anyone. Not my parents, not my friends, not my coworkers (though I'll probably buy something for my boyfriend, but it's out of necessity).


Christ And Minimalism

photo from https://stocksnap.io/

Time and time again, movements and philosophies spring up that teach you how to better live your life. Do this, do that, avoid this, pursue that, and it goes on and on


My First Step To Minimalism

For the last 2 weeks, I ruthlessly culled out the clothes in my closet. I sorted them out in piles: ones I wear regular (or my favorites), and another pile for the ones I haven’t worn in 5 months (heck, there were some laying there untouched for years!).


Why I Think Filipinos (in the Philippines) Should Stay Out Of Thanksgiving Day

So here in the Philippines, November 26 has passed. And yesterday I saw some posts on my Facebook page by people greeting Thanksgiving blahblahblah.

(Notice the title? I explicitly stated -in the Philippines- I respect Filipino expats who celebrate this day with their friends and families in the US. After all, when in Rome, do as the Romans do, right?)

For the rest of us here in the Philippines, we have nothing to do with Thanksgiving Day.


When Relationships Get Too Familiar

photo from stocksnap.io

When you're in a relationship with a person that's years old, familiarity creeps in silently. Inhibitions melt away and you get comfortable with him/ her. Sometimes, the tiny quirks that are now revealed are amusing, but other times your friends (or lover) tend to cross the line.