
Things I wish I knew before I graduated from school: Making a Roadmap

I remember the moments that I was so eager to graduate from college. I anticipated the moment when I can finally call the shots on whatever I want to do with my life. The financial freedom, time...oh how I awaited the moment that I can finally move freely. Now that I finally got it, I don't know where to start.

Freedom after graduation is both exhilarating and overwhelming. For a good 20 or so years of your life, you take orders from your parents/older brothers and sisters etc. Now you are thrown in to a new phase that no one but you can make the decisions that will shape your future. Exhilarating because you feel a sense of independence, overwhelming because you have no one to blame but yourself if you mess up.

Going back to my crossroad, I really did not have a solid plan as to what I would be doing after graduation (crazy right?). I thought that I would be fine with doing anything as long as I can manage to do it. However, it only left me confused. I was jumping from one career path to another in just a span of 5 months after graduation.

Word of advice: start drafting your roadmap when you are nearing graduation time. Trust me, it will really help you a ton once you step off the stage and receive your diploma. You will have a direction and a goal and you will not be wasting time trying to figure things out.

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